Course selection in IB

How to select courses for next semester in INNA:

IB DP students:

·        Select your courses on INNA before the deadline.

·        ALL  courses should be “AÐALVAL”.  NEVER add any courses to “VARAVAL,” – these options are for regular MH students, not IB students.

·        SL courses are worth five credits (.....IX05) and HL courses are worth seven (.....IX07), e.g. BIOLAI05 and BIOLAI07.

·        Select all your six subjects, the course name has different letter by semesters (A, B, C, D), e.g. if you took BIOL3AI05 this semester, you select BIOL3BI05 next semester.

·        For group 2, you select the next language course. They are: XXXX1AA05, XXXX1BB05, XXXX1CC05, etc.  E.g. if you are in SPÆN1AA05, then you select SPÆN1BB05. 

·        Self-taught language A students select SELF3XI02.

·        IB2 only: Language Ab initio students select LABI2XI02 for their third and fourth semesters.

           IB2 only: Spanish/French/German Language B HL students select LANB2XI02 for their third and fourth semester. English B HL/SL students select LANB3DI05/07 for the fourth semester.      

·        You can add courses for CAS, e.g. physical education (LÍKA), theatre (LEIK) and hússtjórn (HÚSS), see “Áfangar” on the MH website.  Please contact the IB DP coordinator if you are interested, do not select the courses in INNA. It will be added afterwards.

If you have any problems, please contact Guðmundur IB DP Coordinator, ibstallari(at)

All courses in MH available for Spring 2024. IB courses are found at the bottom of the document.

All IB courses in MH.

Pre-IB students selecting for spring semester (second semester)

·        Select your IB1 courses on INNA before the deadline. You get help from your LISK teacher in LISK class.

·        The spring courses have the same name but different number than this semester: MATH2BP05, ENGL2BP05, HIST2BP05, SCIE2BP05, LISK1BP01, PHED2BP01 and SOCI2BP05 (instead of PSYC2BP05). In addition, you select ARTS2BP03.

·        Students taking ÍSLE2AA05 in the autumn select ÍSLE2BB05 next semester.

·        Students taking ÍSAN1EE05 either take ÍSAN1AA05 or ÍSLE2AA05/ÍSLE2BB05 (discuss it with your ÍSAN teacher).

·        Students taking ÍSER1AA05 take ÍSER1BB05.

·        ALL courses should be in “AÐALVAL”.  NEVER add any courses to “VARAVAL”, these options are for regular MH students, not IB students.

·        If you have problems, contact your LISK/supervisory teacher.



Last updated: 17.12.2024