Alma Ágústsdóttir, nemandi MH, sigraði sjöttu ræðukeppni the English Speaking Union (ESU) og Félags enskukennara (ATEI) sem haldin var hér
á landi laugardaginn 21. febrúar. Þema keppninnar var: To be Ignorant of the Past is to Remain a Child.Alma hefur nú unnið sér keppnisrétt
í undanúrslitum sem fram fara í Lundúnum mánudaginn 11. maí. Þar á hún að flytja ræðu út frá
þemanu: Culture is not a Luxury but a Necessity. Lokakeppnin verður föstudaginn 15. maí 2015.
Alma Ágústsdóttir is to be congratulated on her victory in the 6th National Public Speaking Competition held each year jointly by the English Speking Union in Iceland (ESU)
and the Association of Teachers of English in Iceland (ATEI). The theme was " To be Ignorant of the Past is to Remain a Child". Alma goes to London in May where she competes in an
International Competition on the theme "Culture is not a Luxury but a Necessity". There she will stay 5-6 days enjoying the company of other competitors from over 50
countries, some of whom come to London having been selected out of thousands of contestants.